I Got Rhythm Summer Concert
Sunday 14th July 2024
St Peters' Church Stockport
This was a concert of light choral music in St Peters' Church, Stockport 's second oldest parish church.
A mixed programme of a cappella arrangements of music by Mozart, George & Ira Gershwin, Billy Joel, Richard Leigh and many more delighted the audience with the varied styles, textures and SATB harmonies.
From Ave Verum Corpus to I Got Rhythm, And so it goes, Linden Lea, My Spirit sang all day, Teddy Bears Picnic, Over the Rainbow and In my Life the wonderful acoustics of the church allowed ViA to show off their skills in the wide variety of pieces performed.
Conductor James Gillett in a warm up session with Voices in Achord before the concert.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2023
Stockport Civid Commemoration
Stockport War Memorial 27th January 2023
Recording of the service can be watch on :
Voices in Achord - " the words that we have heard this afternoon were perfectly complimented by your ( ViA 's) very moving and absolutely beautiful music. You are a local group, I dont' know if people know that, but you are a local treasure" Closing remarks from Councillor Dena Ryness.

Charity Concert for the British-Ukrainian Aid charity
1st October 2022 Stockport Ukrainian Social Club
A great concert of music with Voices in Achord, Mistral - clarinet choir, Geoff Brunt - classical guitar and the Kinder Ringers - hand bell ringers.
The concert attracted a good audience, including the Mayor and Mayoress of Stockport, and made over £600 for the British-Ukraine Aid Charity
The concert was opened by Voices in Achord singing Prayer for Ukraine which has again become a spiritual anthem for the people of the Ukraine.

Prayer for Ukraine
Teddy Bears Picnic

Geoff Brunt

Kinder Ringers
Recording session 26.01.2022 four pieces of music for the Holocaust Memorial Day
Stockport MBC Civic Commemoration Service

Jingle Bells at the end of our Christmas Concert December 2021 at the United Church Heaton Moor
November 2021 Rehearsing with the Kinder Ringers in Hayfield in preparation of our Christmas Concert 2021

Rehearsing in Stockport for our Christmas Concert 2019 with the Kinder Ringers
A small group of ViA perform some festive music for
Stockport's Parkinsons Association before their 2019 Christmas Lunch at The Alma Lodge Hotel

Voices in Achord & Stockport MBC
Video of service for
Wilfred Wood VC
Hazel Grove War
Memorial 28.10.18
Voices in Achord were invited by Stockport MBC to take part in some the their special WW1 Centenary Commemorations bringing communities and individuals together in a poignant tribute to those who lost their lives in the town during WW1.
Sunday 28th October 2018 Hazel Grove War Memorial. A Civic Commemoration to mark the unveiling of a paving stone to commemorate the centenary of the award of the Victoria Cross to Wilfred Wood VC 10Bt. Northumberland Fusiliers.
Sunday 4th November 2018 Cheadle Hulme War Memorial. A Civic Commemoration to mark the unveiling of a paving stone to commemorate the centenary of the award of the Victoria Cross to James Kirk VC 10th Bt. Manchester Regiment.
Sunday 11th November 2018 10.30 am. Stockport War Memorial/Art Gallery. Annual Act of Remembrance Sunday Parade and Service on the steps of the War memorial.
Video from the Sunday
Remembrance Parade
at Stockport War
Memorial/Art Gallery
Sunday 11th November 2018 5 pm. Commemorative Service St Mary's Church, Marketplace, Stockport
A service of thanksgiving remembering the sacrifices made at home and abroad. Featuring common hymns and readings from Stockport's original service in 1918.
Voices in Achord sang three pieces during the service.
Marching Men. A new piece receiving its premier performance of a poem by WW1 poet Marjorie Lowry Christie Pikthall set to music my Elisa Harrod.
Calling my Children Home. Original words and music written by Waller, Lawson & Bates of The Country Gentlemen with new lyrics, written for ViA by singer Roy' in memory of his great uncle who was lost at the Battle of Messines in June 1917 and all Stockport soldiers who lost their lives in WW1.
Sing, My Child. A song of hope and encouragement for children and young people with joyful text celebrating the beauty found all around us. Wrtten by Sarah Quartel.
Remember Me Battle of Messines Centenary Concert
Stockport War Memorial Art Gallery
Saturday 3rd June 2017

Last Post Ceremony, Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, Belgium Voices in Achord. Friday 9th June 2017